my tips on lips
I have so many lip products and so I thought I would share some of my tips on anything lip related:
how do you keep your lips soft in the winter?
During the day I used to use Blistex but I noticed overtime that it wasn't doing anything because of how thin it was when it was applied to my lips. So now during the day I use Kiehl's lip balm #1 it is much thicker so it stays on your lips and really works but it's not so thick that people can notice it.
At night I just use a Aquaphor, I leave it in my bathroom cabinet next to all the products I use at night so I will remember to use it. It is very thick so it really stays on my lips the whole night and really moisturizes.
what is the best lip scrub?
I think Lush lip scrubs are pretty good even though I don't regularly use scrubs. I have the Mint Julips scrub from Lush, but in my opinion lip scrubs don't usually work as well as basic lip balms.
what is the best basic everyday product?
I think for everyday you should have a bit of color and a hydrating quality in one product. That's why I recommend Burt's Bee's lip shimmer, it keeps your lips hydrated, adds color and they have a lot of colors too choose from. This is definitely not a product to be wearing to fancy events at night but it is a just a good cheap product to use everyday.