If you're thinking about cutting your bangs...
I had bangs basically from birth to 4th grade then I grew out my bangs and had side bangs then in 6th grade I kept the long hair but cut the bangs, then in the beginning of this school year (9th grade) I cut my hair just past my shoulders and made my bangs lighter and more fringe like.
Right now I love my hair, short hair is really in right now and so are fringe bangs. I have straight, generally thick hair, so hair wise I don't relate to many but here are some things to think about if you are considering cutting your bangs.
1. They can be hard to take care of.
I have straight hair that gets greasy pretty easily so when my hair is starting to get greasy and you usually wouldn't be able to notice it, with bangs there is hair sitting on the front of your face that you can't hide. Also your bangs sit on the oiliest part of your face so they get greasy pretty easily, that also means that I carry a little comb with me everywhere so that when they start to look bad and a little greasy, I just comb them.
2. They need to be cut often.
At least for straight hair I need to cut them at least every month. I like to keep my hair & bangs short to keep the style I have now so I get it cut every 3-4 weeks.
3. If you want to grow out your bangs...
It can be annoying. If you decide you don't want them anymore and you want to grow them out. It will probably be pretty annoying. I did it when I had side bangs and I had to pin up my bangs everyday and it didn't look good pinned up.
But this is all the negative. I love my bangs and I think it makes my hair stand out from the hairstyles most girls have.
Me being sassy & my bangs in 2003
Me, my mom, my dad & my bangs in 2011
Me, my flower crown, my brace face & my bangs in 2014
Me, Nina & my bangs before the summer of 2016
Me & my bangs in 2003
And finally my bangs NOW!!